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Testosterona Injections

There are numerous anabolic androgenic steroids we have at our disposal, and while they can be found in oral form the vast majorities are of an injectable nature. Of the many injectable anabolic steroids, nothing is more important than simple testosterona injections, as the testosterona hormone itself is the most important anabolic steroid. Highly versatile, making it perfect for just about any cycle, testosterona injections are very well-tolerated by most all healthy adult men, and as such extremely valuable. Beyond versatile and an extremely high level of toleration, testosterona injections will provide nearly every trait an anabolic steroid user could be after, and with all of this in mind, it makes them highly worth your consideration.


What to Expect:

A highly anabolic and androgenic hormone, equal in both regards, testosterona as eluded to above can provide almost all traits associated with anabolic steroid supplementation. How you eat, how you diet will determine which direction you go, but this is a hormone that can provide a means to reach any goal in any direction. It’s really not all that surprising when we stop and think about it; testosterona is responsible for many traits associated with performance, and when we increase our total levels through testosterona injections we simply enhance such traits. Through supplementation, the hormone will provide the following, in-turn lending to the desired end:

  • An Enhanced Metabolism: testosterona injections will enable you to gain more lean tissue and strength with less body-fat gain, something that is extremely difficult to do without higher levels. Further, these simple injections will enable you to burn more body-fat while preserving the muscle tissue you already have; a feat that is virtually impossible without higher levels of testosterona.
  • Enhanced Anabolic Action: anabolic refers to the building of muscle tissue, and through testosterona injections, we are able to build more lean tissue, and as the metabolism is enhanced we are able to do so more efficiently. Of course, this anabolic action also plays into the preservation factor, again making this an invaluable hormone.
  • Enhanced Recovery: physical training is taxing; regardless of the purpose in training it will take a toll on the body. As this taxing toll takes effect, it wears and tears on the body; slows progress down, and can even take a physique in the opposite desired direction. Testosterona injections will eliminate this problem to a large degree, as they will enable the body to not only recover faster but far more efficiently.
  • Overall Enhancement: by its nature, through supplementation testosterona injections will lead to the athlete possessing more endurance, more stamina and simply means to use their energy for the right purposes. A lot of this surrounds the recovery enhancement, and as such makes it again invaluable.
  • Hormone Correlation: when we increase our testosterona levels, our natural IGF-1 production is increased; this plays into the anabolic factor as IGF-1 is a highly anabolic hormone that affects nearly every cell in the body. Further, testosterona injections will cause glucocorticoid production to be decreased and for the release of such stress hormones to be blocked. This plays into both the metabolic and preserving enhancement nature of the hormone as glucocorticoid hormones promote fat gain, make fat-loss extremely difficult and even destroy muscle tissue.
  • Choosing Your Testosterona:

    There are several forms of testosterona we have at our disposal, but of all the forms available when it comes to the injectable forms there are six that are by far the most common. Let’s be clear, very clear; you can receive the same results, the same benefits from any form, as the same testosterona hormone exists in each one. Of course, there are differences in the forms and such differences revolve around the ester(s) attached, not the hormone itself. The ester attached will affect the hormones initial action and total duration of activity, as well as its total molecular weight; the latter is inconsequential when we adjust the dose of a particular form, but still an interesting note. At any rate, the key to obtaining the results you desire through your testosterona injections is maximizing your use, and this means keeping blood levels at their peak through the duration of use. In order to do this, we must understand the testosterona’s ester, the size and half-life associated with it and its needed injection frequency for performance. With all of this in mind, we have listed the six common forms below with all the desired information to meet your needs and to perform your testosterona injections with confidence:

  • Testosterona-Cypionate: a single large ester testosterona form, this form carries a half-life of approximately 12 days and must be injected two times a week in equal doses to meet performance needs. As doses reach a higher level, although not necessary some will find every other day injections in smaller amounts to be quite beneficial. Such protocol keeps levels at their peak at all times and appears to have a positive impact on the rate of aromatase. This is the most commonly prescribed of all testosterona injections in the U.S.
  • Testosterona-Enanthate: a single large ester testosterona form, this form carries a half-life of approximately 10.5 days and must be injected two times a week in equal doses to meet performance needs. As doses reach a higher level, although not necessary some will find every other day injections in smaller amounts to be quite beneficial. Such protocol keeps levels at their peak at all times and appears to have a positive impact on the rate of aromatase. This is the most common form of all testosterona injections among performance enhancers, not because it’s any better than the Cypionate version, but simply because it is more readily available.
  • Testosterona-Propionate: a single small ester testosterona form, this form carries a half-life of approximately 3.5 days and must be injected on an every other day basis in equal doses to meet performance needs. As doses reach a higher levels, although not necessary some will find everyday injections to be needed in-order to keep total injections smaller and blood levels peaked.
  • Testosterona-Suspension: an ester free testosterona, this form carries an active half-life right around the 24 hour mark (slightly less). As an extremely fast acting form, testosterona injections must be performed on a daily basis, with higher doses warranting twice daily injections in-order to keep each injection smaller and blood levels peaked.
  • Omndren: a mixture of four separate esters, Omnadren can be injected once every 10-14 days for therapeutic reasons, but for performance, if blood levels are to remain peaked because it’s a mixture of large and small esters it must be injected three times per week in equal doses. As doses reach higher levels, some will find every other day injections to be warranted. The precise make up of Omnadren is as follows:
    - 30mg Testosterona-Propionate (small ester)
    - 60mg Testosterona-Phenylpropionate (small ester)
    - 60mg Testosterona-Isocaproate (moderate ester)
    - 100mg Testosterona-Caproate (large ester)
  • Sustanon-250: a mixture of four separate esters, Sustanon-250 can be injected once every 14-18 days for therapeutic reasons, but for performance, if blood levels are to remain peaked because it’s a mixture of large and small esters it must be injected three times per week in equal doses. As doses reach higher levels, some will find every other day injections to be warranted. The precise make up of Sustanon-250 is as follows:
    - 30mg Testosterona-Propionate (small ester)
    - 60mg Testosterona-Phenylpropionate (small ester)
    - 60mg Testosterona-Isocaproate (moderate ester)
    - 100mg Testosterona-Decanoate (massively large ester)
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